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Hi, I'm Heather.

As an EFT practitioner and mindset coach, I'm here to help you heal the emotional wounds and inner obstacles that are holding you back and causing you to suffer so that you can create a life you truly love.

Helping others to heal and transform their lives is a calling for me, and I truly love doing it.  People often ask me, "Isn't your work depressing?  Doesn't it bring you down to hear all of these tragic stories and spend so much time with people who are in so much pain?" My answer is always no. To the contrary!

While it's true that most of my clients are in tremendous pain when they start working with me, at the end of each session, they're free from emotional wounds they've often been carrying for years, and even decades. I can't think of anything more uplifting than that!

Thank you so much for an incredibly healing EFT session last week. You are my trauma guru go-to for myself and my clients, and I am looking forward to our next session! — Jennifer

The healing power of EFT never ceases to amaze me. Results are quick and permanent, with the typical course of treatment being between 3 and 12 sessions, depending on your treatment goals.


While psychotherapy tends to focus on giving people tools and insights for coping with their issues, EFT actually heals the issues, so that they can no longer affect you.

I work with adults and children, by phone/Zoom. In addition to my work with clients, I also teach EFT to individuals and groups, in-person, and through my online programs.


I received my undergraduate degree in English from U.C. Berkeley, followed by a Master's in Psychology from California Institute of Integral Studies. I've been in private practice doing emotional healing work since 2004, and using EFT since 2008.


If you'd like to schedule a session, you can do so using my online calendar, or contact me at 650.465.4788, or


The way you use EFT is amazing. I’m telling everyone.” — Renée

My Story

I discovered the life-changing magic of EFT when I was in my late 30s. Since then, I've used it to help many thousands of people all over the world recover from the overwhelming pain of losing a loved one, heal trauma (from violent crime, war, child abuse, rape, car accidents, cancer, etc.), release fears and phobias, achieve career goals, heal regrets, and more.

The first thirty-seven years of my life were largely defined by grief and trauma, and it wasn't until I found EFT that I was able to heal those wounds and move on. Before I started tapping, the emotional pain and inner obstacles that were holding me back simply wouldn't budge, no matter how much therapy I did (nearly 20 years' worth), how many self-help books I read (many dozens), or healing seminars and workshops I attended (again, dozens).

Over the course of many years, I had countless exciting ideas for furthering my career, most of which I was totally incapable of implementing. It was like I was paralyzed by some mysterious force.

I knew that it was emotional pain and limiting beliefs that comprised this paralyzing force (and had known that for years), but until I found tapping, I was powerless to overcome it.

When I started tapping, the fears, limiting beliefs, and self-doubt that were holding me back quickly melted away, along with the pain that was tied to them. Once that happened, I was free to create my life by design, no longer a prisoner to the painful wounds of the past.

With my daughter, Emma

I think that's why I love helping other people to heal--because I know what it is to suffer intensely and fear that you'll never be free from that pain. I know what it's like to feel shackled to a past that is constantly dragging you down. And I know how to help others break free from that. Nothing brings me greater satisfaction than doing so.

​So if you're suffering, stuck, stressed-out, or just need some help uncovering your best self so that you can create a life you love, schedule a session or free consultation here.

“I’m no longer feeling lonely and sad without my husband. For the first time since his passing, I actually feel good about the future.” — Michelle

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