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Tapping Script for Healing Relationship


Mad at someone? Feeling hurt, betrayed, or disappointed by that person? If so, EFT can help.

One of the most powerful ways to use EFT to release anger and hurt feelings about a relationship is to create tapping statements out of what you would like to say to this person, and then tap out these statements until they feel neutral.

For example, "Mike, I'm really angry and hurt because I needed you to listen to me, and you ignored me instead."

When doing this kind of EFT, allow yourself to give voice to how you're really feeling, even if it sounds petty, mean, or childish.

Just meet yourself exactly where you are, and tap yourself free from the painful emotions you're carrying about what happened.

This EFT tapping script will help you identify and release anger, frustration, resentment, and hurt feelings you may have about your partner or another person in your life, leaving love, gratitude, and peace in their place.


As with all of my tapping scripts, these statements can be used as is, or modified in any way that makes them resonate more fully with your experience.


Some of them will fit for you, and some will not. Just use the ones that fit your experience and have an emotional charge.


You may notice that when you start tapping on these statements, thoughts and feelings will arise that you can then turn into new tapping statements, which will then give rise to still more thoughts and feelings, which you can use to create additional tapping statements, and so on. 


I call this following the thread, and it’s a very efficient way to heal and release a lot of painful feelings in a short amount of time.


Before you start tapping on a statement, give it a number between 0 and 10 which indicates the level of fear, stress, or concern that the statement brings up for you. Then, tap on the statement until it is a 0, which means all of the emotional charge is gone.


There is a lot of material here! I recommend spending anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes on this, but not more than that.


That means you’ll only have time to tap out a small number of the statements on this script in one session. 


If you’re thorough, and tap things down to 0, you’ll likely feel MUCH better after tapping out just a few of them. You can attend to other ones at another time.




When doing EFT on your own, if you aren't able to completely heal the issue you're working on, so that when you think about it, it no longer causes any stress, emotional pain, anger, or fear, I recommend working with a professional EFT practitioner. If you decide that this is the best course of action for you, and you'd like to work with me, click here to learn more and schedule an EFT session or free consultation.

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I’m upset because my partner and I had a fight.

I feel hopeless because my partner and I seem to be speaking different languages and neither of us can understand each other.

My partner isn’t listening to me and it’s really frustrating/aggravating/hurtful.

I don’t know what I did to upset my partner—I’m really at a loss here, and it’s scary.

I don’t want to fight with my partner, but we keep doing things that upset each other and I’m afraid that all of this conflict will be the end of us.

My partner really hurt my feelings but I don’t want to tell him/her because I’m afraid he/she won’t understand.

I’m really sad that my partner and I have been fighting; I wish we could just be happy and peaceful together.

My partner is so sensitive; I feel like I have to work really hard just to keep from upsetting him/her.

It seems like my partner really doesn’t care about my feelings, and I can’t stay in a relationship like that.

When my partner does/says ___________________________, I feel like he/she doesn’t really love me.

I feel really alone because my partner and I had a fight and now our connection seems broken.

I’m really angry at my partner because _______________________________.

I feel terrible because I said something really hurtful to my partner.

I feel guilty because I lost my temper with my partner.

When my partner and I fight, it makes me feel really sad and afraid.

I’m afraid my partner and I will never be able to overcome the issues that we have as a couple, and that makes me really sad.

I don’t understand why my partner does/says _________________________, and it’s really confusing and upsetting for me.

When my partner gets angry with me I completely shut down and I don’t know what to do.

My partner lied to me and now I feel like I can't trust him/her.

My partner cheated on me and I'll never be able to trust him/her again.

I wish I could trust my partner, but he/she has lied to me so many times, I don't see how I can. 

I want to forgive my partner, but I don't know how.

We've had so much conflict, I'm afraid we'll never be able to go back to being happy and in love like we used to be, and that makes me really sad.

My partner doesn't understand me.


I'm worried that even though we love each other, we're not really right for each other.


When my partner shuts down, I don't know what to do.


I feel rejected when my partner shuts down.


I feel angry and hurt because my partner is not making me a priority.


I need to feel important to my partner, and right now I really don't.


Sometimes my partner gets really angry, and I don't understand why.


As I mentioned above, when doing EFT tapping on your own, if you aren't able to completely heal the issue you're working on, so that when you think about it, it no longer causes any stress, emotional pain, anger, or fear, I recommend working with a professional EFT practitioner. If you decide that this is the best course of action for you, and you'd like to work with me, click here to learn more and schedule an EFT session or free consultation.


Heather Ambler is a California based EFT practitioner and mindset coach. Through her private practice and online programs, she’s helped over 14,000 people in 81 countries heal the pain of losing a loved one, recover from trauma, release fears, erase limiting beliefs, increase confidence, and achieve goals. If you could use some help with any of these things, click here to learn more and schedule an EFT session or free consultation.

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