Tapping Script for Painful Emotions About Health Issues
For a downloadable PDF of this script, click here.
Tapping out these statements will release stress and painful emotions about health issues. Even if you don't currently have any health issues, this assignment will help to release whatever imprints you may still have in your body-mind about past health problems. At the very least, this tapping work will free you from a lot of stress and emotional pain, and sometimes it can actually catalyze healing of physical symptoms,
as well.
As is the case with all of my tapping scripts, these statements can be used as is, or modified in any way that makes them resonate more fully with your experience. Also, you may notice that when you start tapping on one of these statements, thoughts and feelings will arise that you can then turn into new tapping statements, which will then give rise to still more thoughts and feelings, which you can use to create additional tapping statements, and so on.
I call this following the thread, and it’s a very efficient way to heal and release a lot of painful feelings in a short amount of time, bringing you both peace and clarity about whatever it is that's causing you to suffer.
And of course, if you get stuck, or would simply like to have the support and guidance of an experienced professional, I recommend working with a trained EFT practitioner.
When doing EFT/tapping on your own, if you get stuck, aren't getting the results you want, or would simply like to have the support and guidance of an experienced professional, I recommend working with an EFT practitioner.
If you decide that this is the best course of action for you, and you would like to work with me, you can schedule a session here. If you feel that another EFT practitioner would be a better fit for you, click here to access a directory of practitioners.
I have this health problem and I don’t know why.
When I think about this health issue, I feel angry at my body/God/life for doing this to me.
I hate that I have this health problem.
Sometimes this health problem really scares me.
My health is getting worse and it seems like there’s nothing I can do about it.
This health issue makes me feel really alone.
This health problem makes me feel powerless.
I wish I didn't have this health problem.
I hate that this health issue is making me so tired that I can’t do my normal things.
I’m so sad that I have this health issue and am no longer able to function in the ways that I used to.
I’m sad and scared because I have this health problem and I don’t know how to recover from it.
I’m afraid I’ll never get well.
Sometimes I have dreams that I’m healthy again, and when I wake up, the reality of my illness hits me all over again.
I’m afraid my health will just continue to get worse and worse.
I wish I could heal from this health problem but I’m afraid I never will.
I miss being healthy and being able to function normally.
I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be healthy and strong.
Sometimes I feel resentful or jealous of other people who are healthy and don’t have to deal with health problems like the one(s) I have.
I feel like I’ve done everything possible to have a healthy body, but I’m sick anyway, and I don’t understand why.
I would give anything to be healthy and strong like I used to be.
I’m too young to have health issues like mine.
It’s not fair that some people don’t take care of themselves and are perfectly healthy, and I did everything right and became seriously ill.
The hardest part about having this health problem is how alone it makes me feel.
I don’t like the way people treat me once they find out about my illness.
I wish there was a way to make people understand what it’s like to have this health problem.
Sometimes I feel like my life is defined by this health problem, and that makes me really sad.
Sometimes I feel like the lives of my loved ones are defined by this health problem, and that makes me feel terrible.
My medical bills cause me so much stress that it makes it really hard for me to heal.
I feel like I can’t move on with my life until I’ve recovered from this medical condition.
I don’t know what to do to recover my health, and it makes me feel hopeless.
My doctors say my condition is incurable, and that makes me feel hopeless.