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Tapping Script for Healing the Pain of Losing Your Child


As with all of my tapping scripts, these statements can be used as is, or modified in any way that makes them resonate more fully with your experience. Some of them will fit for you, and some will not. Just use the ones that fit your experience and have an emotional charge.


You may notice that when you start tapping on these statements, thoughts and feelings will arise that you can then turn into new tapping statements, which will then give rise to still more thoughts and feelings, which you can use to create additional tapping statements, and so on. 


I call this following the thread, and it’s a very efficient way to heal and release a lot of painful feelings in a short amount of time.





When doing EFT on your own, if you aren't able to completely heal the issue you're working on, so that when you think about it, it no longer causes any stress, emotional pain, anger, or fear, I recommend working with a professional EFT practitioner. If you decide that this is the best course of action for you, and you'd like to work with me, click here to learn more and schedule an EFT session or free consultation.

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I refuse to accept that my baby/child/son/daughter passed away.

My child died and I will never get over it--I'll be grieving for the rest of my life.

My baby died and I'll never get to see him/her again.

My baby died and I didn't get to say goodbye to him/her.

I don't know how to go on without my child.

I don't want to go on without my child.

I wish there was something I could have done to save my baby/child/son/daughter.

I should have done more to keep my child safe.

I should have done more to save my child's life.

If I had only done __________________, my child would not have died.

If I had only not ________________________, my baby would still be here.

I would give anything to have my baby back.

I don't understand why God took my baby from me.

It's not fair that my child died.

I had unfinished business with my son/daughter, and now I'll never get to resolve things with him/her.

I'm consumed with grief and no one knows how to relate to me.

I wish I had been able to protect my baby/child and keep him/her alive, but in the end, there was nothing I could do, and it made me feel so powerless.

People want me to heal and move on, but I can't, and I wish people would just understand that and let me be.

I should have been a better mother, and now it's too late.

I'm angry at God/Life/The Universe for taking my/our child from us.

I will be heartbroken over the death of my child for the rest of my life.

No one understands what I'm going through and it's really lonely for me.

There is no way to escape the pain I'm in.

I feel like this is just a terrible nightmare and I just want to wake up.

Since my baby/child/son/daughter died I’m living my worst nightmare every single day, and there is no end in sight.

I don’t want to go on without my son/daughter.

It’s not fair that my child’s life was taken when he/she was so young.

I don’t understand how a loving God could let someone’s child die.

The pain I’m in is so overwhelming that I can’t function.

I miss my baby/child/son/daughter so much—it’s all I can think about.

It's not possible to fully recover from losing a child.

My grief keeps me feeling connected to my son/daughter.

My sorrow keeps my child's memory alive.


When doing EFT on your own, if you aren't able to completely heal the issue you're working on, so that when you think about it, it no longer causes any stress, emotional pain, anger, or fear, I recommend working with a professional EFT practitioner. If you decide that this is the best course of action for you, and you'd like to work with me, click here to learn more and schedule an EFT session or free consultation.

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Heather Ambler is an EFT practitioner and mindset coach in California. Through her private practice and online programs, she’s helped over 14,000 people in 81 countries heal the pain of losing a loved one, recover from trauma, release fears, erase limiting beliefs, increase confidence, and achieve goals. If you could use some help with any of these things, click here to learn more and schedule an EFT session or free consultation.

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