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Celebrating 20 Years As a Healer & Mindset Coach

This morning as I was updating part of my website, I suddenly realized that this year, 2024, marks 20 years since I started my private practice doing emotional healing work.

I began as a facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie. Though The Work is powerful, after doing it with my clients for four and a half years, as soon as I learned how to do EFT, I immediately stopped doing The Work of Byron Katie.

Why? Because week after week, month after month, and year after year, my clients would return to me with the same issues they had had when they started.

They’d have these profoundly liberating breakthroughs while in session with me, but the results weren’t permanent.

They had fleeting experiences of freedom from their pain and suffering, but they never lasted.

I used to call it “the trick birthday candle phenomenon.” One minute all of the candles would be extinguished, and the next minute they would all be fully aflame again.

I even talked to Katie about the trick birthday candle phenomenon, explaining to her during a workshop break that the results I was getting were profound, but temporary.

“Yes,” she agreed, “That’s true. They [the beliefs, issues, and pain] do come back. Just keep doing The Work.”

When I learned EFT, I realized that the reason the results of The Work of Byron Katie don’t last is because The Work doesn’t actually heal anything. It just creates temporary cognitive shifts that give you a taste of what real healing would be like.

And that’s not enough.

I wanted real healing for my clients. And real healing is permanent.

I also wanted COMPLETE healing for my clients. And with EFT, if you finish unpacking and tapping out whatever issue you’re working on, healing is complete.

What does complete and permanent healing mean?

It means that the issue doesn’t hurt anymore. At all. Ever.

When you think about it, there’s no sadness, anger, regret, guilt, shame, resentment, or fear.

There’s nothing but peace about whatever happened, no matter how devastating it was, no matter how many years or decades it may have caused you to suffer.

I initially learned how to do EFT from a book called The Promise of Energy Psychology. I can remember sitting in my bedroom, holding the book in one hand, and clumsily tapping on my face with the other hand.

I didn’t really know what I was doing, but my initial results from tapping to heal my own issues were so powerful that I never did The Work of Byron Katie again. Not even once.

Mind you, at this point, I had lived and breathed The Work of Byron Katie for four and a half years.

When I wasn’t doing it with my clients, I was doing it with myself, all day long, every day. I was serious about my healng!

But EFT gave me the results that I had been looking for and praying for my entire life, so when I found it, I dropped The Work of Byron Katie like a hot potato.

I’m sure that The Work informs my work as an EFT pracititioner—the ways in which I guide each session, the certainty with which I facilitate the tapping out of specific beliefs, knowing that the belief will disappear, will no longer feel true, within several minutes of tapping.

The Work of Byron Katie taught me this about beliefs—none of them are actually true. For that I am eternally grateful.

But EFT is the way to completely and permanently erase them.

So as I acknowledge and celebrate 20 years of helping people heal the things which cause them to suffer, and find freedom from the things which hold them back, I’d like to thank you.

Thank you for allowing me to help you heal your traumatic experiences, your devastating losses, and your broken hearts.

Thank you for allowing me to help you release your fears, limiting beliefs, resentments, anxiety, and stress.

I’m so very grateful and honored to have been a part of your healing process.


Heather Ambler is an EFT practitioner and mindset coach in California. Through her private practice and online programs, she’s helped over 14,000 people in 81 countries heal the pain of losing a loved one, recover from trauma, release fears, erase limiting beliefs, increase confidence, and achieve goals. If you could use some help with any of these things, click here to learn more and schedule an EFT session or free consultation.


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